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Islam in Australia – English Articles

More than two hundred Muslims met in Lakemba, New South Wales,

To agree to reject democracy in Australia and call for the implementation of Islamic Sharia law in Australia.

The voices of Muslims rose in the meeting with the phrase that is the slogan of the Islamic State, which says: Takbir… and Muslims repeat “Allahu Akbar”.

This is a threat to the Australian government about what Muslims intend to do in Australia.

In the leaked video, a copy of which was obtained by Australia Today, a black flag is seen behind the speakers, resembling the flag of the Islamic State “ISIS”.

Now, what is the Australian government waiting for, after opening the door to those Muslims who now want to implement Islamic law in a democratic country?

Will it remain silent until the verse written in the Quran in Surah At-Tawbah 29 is fulfilled regarding them:

Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

I call on the Australian government to pay attention to the imminent danger, of Islamic floods that will not spare anyone, they kill, destroy, and blow themselves up in markets and cities..

Will the government wait until this happens?

Or will it take the necessary measures to prevent terrorists from committing crimes?
I have warned Australia in many previous articles, I do not predict destruction out of thin air, or say ideas without knowledge.

Rather, I say this because I know them well and I know their Sharia well, and I know that they have faith that if they blow themselves up, they will enter Paradise and Allah will give them women to rape as they please.

Please pay attention to Australia, protect your people, protect the Australian people or ethnic people of different nationalities.
Learn from what French President Emmanuel Macron did, who banned the wearing of the hijab, and banned the writing of the word “Halal” on meat, restaurants and supermarkets.
Don’t allow Islam in Australia to grow in the politician field.

Arrest those who spread plans that may be terrorist and threaten peace in Australia.
Be careful when you give someone a political position, preferably not a Muslim.
Democracy does not work in the presence of Islamic Sharia, because Islamic Sharia calls for the religion of Allah to be Islam only.
So any Muslim politician believes that his religion will triumph over Christians, Jews and any other religion, because he was taught and raised that the religion of Allah is Islam only, and they should support Islam in Australia.