Islamic state
By/ Dr. Sam Nan
Islamic state – English Articles
Rising Threat: The Emergence of an Islamic Political Agenda in Australia
We now observe a looming danger, particularly following the revelation of a plan aimed at establishing an Islamic party in Australia. This party, therefore, seeks to gain significant political power and influence. Consequently, the ultimate goal is to Islamize Australia. In this context, the plan envisions Australians as mere subjects required to pay the jizya, thus facing humiliation.
Initial Steps: Gaining Political Power
The First Step: Securing Parliamentary Seats
Initially, efforts focused on securing parliamentary seats that favor Muslim interests. To this end, the strategy involves increasing the number of Muslim candidates in parliamentary elections. Consequently, this approach aims to enhance their representation in legislative councils.
Political Alliances and New Parties
To achieve this, the plan depends on forming political alliances with major parties or establishing new parties that adopt a clear Islamic agenda.
Second Step: Creating a Significant Islamic Party
influence in the political arena. This party, therefore, aims to secure a majority in both Parliament and the Senate, which would, in turn, allow it to sway national legislation and policies. Given its substantial popular base and strong parliamentary presence, the party could effectively advance policies aligned with its Islamic agenda.
Policy Objectives and Ultimate Goals
The party’s initial demands include recognizing Palestine as a state, boycotting Israel, and halting what they describe as “genocide.” However, these are merely preliminary objectives. In contrast, the ultimate aim is to transform Australia into an Islamic state by imposing Islamic Sharia law as the sole legal framework. Consequently, this would necessitate amending the Australian Constitution and abolishing current civil laws.
Imposing Islamic Lifestyle and Laws
Potential Impact on Australian Society
The proposed plan includes imposing an Islamic lifestyle on all residents, regardless of their religion or personal beliefs. Specifically, this encompasses enforcing laws related to dress, education, and individual freedoms. Additionally, there may be demands for non-Muslim residents to pay the jizya, a tax levied on non-Muslims under Sharia law.
Social and Cultural Consequences
Implementing such a plan would, consequently, have profound negative effects on Australia’s social fabric. Furthermore, it would exacerbate divisions among the population, thereby increasing religious and cultural tensions. As a result, many Australians would likely feel anxious and threatened by this drastic shift from their values of freedom and democracy.
Countering the Threat
Uniting for Democratic Values
country’s democratic and secular values. This, in turn, involves raising awareness about the dangers of these political agendas. Additionally, it requires fostering understanding and tolerance among different communities in Australia.
Reviewing Legislation and Promoting Dialogue
To prevent the exploitation of the democratic system for agendas that conflict with the nation’s core values, relevant authorities should review legislation and laws. Moreover, promoting open and transparent dialogue between different parties is crucial to ensuring that Australia remains a country of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence.
Working Together for a Secure Future