شارك مع أصدقائك

If I were God
Layla Saklawy
By/ Layla Saklawi

IF I were a God…
I’d make my creation live in a single Abode..
Under a roof of ; Love, Music & Poetry…
& I would make the Universe to All a One & only Country…!

I would organise in my Sky an Infantry…
& enrol the Moon, the Stars & the Clouds in my Ministry…
To Forbid all flying wars Machinery…
Into my Skies from Entry…!!!

On the maps of all lands, I would Eradicate….
Every frontier, every Line-marking the limits of each Estate…!

I would make the sounds of rain, an Oriental musical Symphony…
& I would change the darkness of Nights into Days, bright & Sunny…!

I would make on every Tree…
To All birds a Nest in the shape of a love Sanctuary…
For them to snugle at all seasons, & feel Free…!

If I were a God ; I’d want my favourite Prophet…
To be a Romantic & Sensitive Poet…!
Who would make of all Prayers; The single Practice…
Of sharing Love in the Aim of a Global PEACE…!!!

And I would declare as an act of Sanctity..
the total Inviolability…
Of a fair & Just sense of Humanity…!

And I wouldn’t make any Amendments
To the Supreme God’s TEN Commandments…!!!