Islamic anti-Semitism – Politics

By/ Sam Nan
Muslim anti-Semitism is on the rise around the world, and has increased even more in America and European countries.
Finally, an activist who is supposed to be a university professor, named Randa Abdel Fattah, came out and wrote anti-Israel statements, where she wrote, “2025 may be the end of Israel.”
Of course, she did not write this out of a political feeling about the Gaza war, given that she is of Egyptian-Palestinian roots, and because she is supposed to be a teacher at an Australian university, i.e. educated.
But she wrote this influenced by what she studied in the Quran, “the book of Muslims,” ​​of Quranic verses that incite hatred of Jews.
The evidence that the subject is purely Islamic is that Dr. Randa Abdel Fattah, 45 years old, received a grant of $802,000 from the Australian Research Council, funded by taxpayers, to research social justice activism for Arab-Australian Muslims.
I wish the government would investigate where this money went, perhaps it went to support Islamic terrorism that incites the killing of non-Muslims, and I do not know what it means that it is looking for the rights of Arab Muslims in Australia. Those who mostly live in Australia, “the country of infidelity for Muslims”, enjoy its benefits and rob it with Centrelink pensions, and exploit all its benefits, because there is an Islamic principle that says: The money and women of the infidels are permissible for Muslims.
This is based on the hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari in his Sahih, No. (25) (1/17), and narrated by Muslim in his Sahih No. (133) (1/38), “I was ordered to fight the people until they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah. If they say it, then their blood and money are protected from me and their reckoning is with Allah.”
Some Muslims have said that the meaning of this hadith is that the basic principle is that there is no sanctity for the infidels if they do not convert to Islam, and thus the basic principle regarding their money is permissible. Whoever says: There is no god but Allah, and enters Islam, his money is protected, otherwise it remains permissible.
In addition, the Egyptian Muslim Randa Abdel Fattah, who describes herself as a human rights defender and a lawyer in the Supreme Court, wrote: “2025 could be the end of Israel. It could be the end of the American-Israeli imperialist blight on humanity.
“We hope to see the abolition of the Zionist death cult and the end of the American empire.”

In another post, the Palestinian-Egyptian Muslim writer wrote, “The demands of the Israeli Zionists are to kill, torture and rape without any restrictions, every hour, every day.”
On Boxing Day she wrote a post on X saying: “Daily massacre, every hour. Zionism is a Palestinian slaughterhouse and there are still people who support this hateful system and ideology. To hell with you all. Every Zionist is dead.
“May you never know a second of peace in your miserable sadistic lives.”
I would have thought that if there was real justice in the Labour government, this Egyptian-Palestinian Muslim woman would have been suspended from work.
And arrested and investigated for hate speech against Jews, Israel and America.
She eats from the bounty of the infidel countries “according to what she learned from the Quran” and at the same time curses and swears at America and Israel while living off their bounty.
I did not and will not blame any Muslim who does this, because they are doing what they have learned from the Quran and Hadith, but I blame the lenient government led by Penny Wong for its leniency towards terrorists and her follower Anthony Albanese who is afraid to change its decisions, and fears for his position.
I see that the Labour government It supports Islamic terrorism in Australia, because it allowed all Muslim politicians to hold political positions on the condition that they join the Labor Party.

Even the Christians who belong to the same party, I see them as hypocrites, and they do not have any positive position towards the spread of Islamic occupation of Australia.

This is the case that happens in all countries of the world, that Muslims infiltrate political positions and plan to occupy European and American countries, so that they can implement Islamic law in these countries and thus achieve what is written in their books of imposing the jizya on non-Muslims, or fighting them, killing them and slaughtering them with a knife that cuts the throat, because this is permissible for Muslims.

Do world leaders know that Khalid bin Al-Walid cooked the head of Malik bin Nuwairah and ate it, then had sex with his wife?
It is funny that what was published by the Daily Telegraph newspaper is that Macquarie University announced that it will investigate what this Muslim woman wrote that “if a breach of policy is proven, the university will take action to address the matter according to its policies and procedures.”
I also see that the Jewish community objects to what she did in receiving support for Arab Muslims from the Australian government and to the hate speech she wrote, but the Labor government did not act and has shown no sign of acting later, because the one who wrote may also be a Labor member who supports Wong and Albanese who support Muslims and are hostile to Israel which is fighting Islamic terrorism.
Earlier this year, Dr Abdel Fattah and the activist group “Parents for Palestine” organized a “kids’ trip” where primary school children chanted “intifada” and “Israel is a terrorist state” at the University of Sydney’s pro-Palestine camp protests, leading to an internal investigation.
She then claimed that she offered “space” to Palestinian and Muslim families and they acted of their own free will.
Labor government evades responsibility and protects terrorism further
The New South Wales government has said that university disciplinary processes are a matter for universities. This is an evasion of responsibility for a government responsible for protecting communities in Australia. If the opposite had happened, that anyone who had spoken a word about Islam would now be in prison, and politicians would have supported Muslims as Labour’s Jason Clare and Tony Burke have done, and Penny Wong would have condemned and denounced, and there would have been Islamic demonstrations all over the country.

But when there is hate speech against Jews, every “Labor” politician blindfolds himself or buries his head in the sand, so as not to lose Muslim voters or because he fears for himself from them and wants to be safe from their deadly evil according to what the Quran taught them.